Heather’s Blog

Trial Day 22 – Prove It

As you’ve seen from the challenges, there is much we can learn from courtroom trials. Complaints, objections, and the skillful use of questions are all things we can master in our lives outside the courtroom. But none of that matters without proof. In my consulting work, I see leaders who want dynamic teams, and call […]

Trial Day 21 – Indulge Your Curiosity

Trial attorneys have to indulge their curiosity long before we reach the courtroom. We have to start during the discovery process, asking every possible question we can think of and chasing down every possible lead. Because the answers and the leads are the key to a win or a loss. Once at trial, we can’t […]

Trial Day 20 – Rebel

I’ve always been a good girl. When I was in high school, my parents let me take the Volvo station wagon out at night, but I was under strict instructions not to let anyone drink in the car. We’d go from house to house in a caravan of cars, all of them packed to the […]

Trial Day 19 – Catch Your Breath

When we started the 30 Days of Trials Challenge, school had just begun and everyone was easing into new schedules after a long (HOT) summer. You’ve probably been running around like crazy ever since. TODAY’S CHALLENGE–TRY TO CATCH YOUR BREATH. When athletes have been running hard and long, they need time to catch their breath before […]

Trial Day 18 – Words Create Realities

“God could have made us stone creatures, tree creatures, sea creatures, winged creatures, but God made us speech creatures instead. Human beings made in God’s own likeness, which is to say, capable of joining God in the work of creation by speaking things into being ourselves.” (from Jonathan Merritt’s book, Learning to Speak God from […]

Trial Day 17 – Challenge With Questions

I don’t win my cases with arguments. In any given trial, the opportunities to argue are few, and they often happen outside the presence of the jury. Most of the arguments get us nowhere closer to a win. The way we actually win cases is by asking questions. Questions are magic. They’re your superpower. You […]

Trial Day 16 – Collect Yeses

You can’t get anywhere without yeses. There’s no way forward unless you give yourself permission to move forward. It’s like life is one big game of Mother May I. “Take 5 giant steps forward.” “Mother, May I?” “Yes you may.” And there you go. If life is a game, the Mother could be anyone. Most […]

Trial Day 15 – Use Your Voice

Has anyone every told you to “use your voice”? You know it’s important. You want to use your voice.   The why is clear. If you don’t speak up–for yourself, your passions, your family, and your dreams, who will? But the when, the where, and the how are the challenge. Everyone tells you to use your […]

Trial Day 14 – Stop Looking For Objections

With all this talk about objections, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to spend your life looking for them. Here’s the wonderful thing: when the time comes to object, you feel it in your heart and in your gut. Trust yourself. Twenty years in the courtroom taught me that I had to stop […]

Trial Day 13 – Overcome Objections

We all have to be able to overcome objections as well. Other people are bound to object to what you do, or how you do it. They object, and you have to find the words and the ways to overcome. This, too, has its own chapter in my book as it is a big topic. Overcoming objections […]

For more information on how Heather can help you, contact her today.