
Heather Hansen is a renowned speaker whose keynotes are engaging, actionable and interactive. She continually receives positive testimonials from her listeners.

To understand why she has such an incredible reptation, you can watch the videos below. When you see Heather speaking and helping others to advocate for themselves, you too will want to benefit from these motivating and empowering talks.

“If you want a dynamic speaker who will provide your team with immediately actionable and memorable tools, book Heather Hansen.”

Joan Docktor

“Why Perspective Beats Empathy”

In this TEDx, Heather explains why perspective is more important than empathy if you want to become a strong advocate. This is how you’ll change minds, and hearts, and ultimately change the world.

Speaker Reel

See Heather in action in her speaker reel.

For more information on coaching from Heather, contact her today.