The Elegant Warrior Podcast Cover

The Elegant Warrior Episode 263 – Bragging Rights: How to Talk about Your Work Using Purposeful Self-Promotion with Lisa Bragg

The Elegant Warrior Podcast Cover

26 June · Episode 263

Self-Promotion with Lisa Bragg

38 Min, 26 Sec · By Heather Hansen

Lisa Bragg shares with Heather why women need to brag, how to do it in the right way & why bragging needs to be viewed as self-love and pride.

Society often tells us (especially women) that we must be humble and not speak about our accomplishments, but how can that serve us in getting what we want? Author and speaker Lisa Bragg shares why waiting for someone to notice your work is just not enough in today’s noisy world and how to brag the right way.

We’ll Discuss

  • How she fought against the conditioning to hide her successes in order to fit in
  • Why bragging should be viewed as self-love and expressing pride in your work and not self-aggrandizing
  • The difference between wanting a spotlight only on yourself and encouraging everyone to shine
  • How to view competitors as collaborators

Lisa’s book recommendation, Widest Net by Pamela Slim and Wonderhell by Laura Gassner Otting

About Lisa Bragg

Living with the name Bragg, Lisa has had to master the art and science of self-promotion. She’s seen when being too humble has cost international deals and when bragging right has unlocked opportunities leading to untold fortunes. Lisa helps high-achievers of all sorts to be seen, heard and share their value with the world. She then takes it a step further to show leaders how to help less visible people on their teams to do the same.

Book: Bragging Rights: How to Talk about Your Work Using Purposeful Self-Promotion
Instagram: @thatlisabragg
LinkedIn: Lisa Bragg

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Heather Hansen

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