The Elegant Warrior Podcast Episode 204 – “Not This”
22 March · Episode 204
"Not This"
13 Min, 24 Sec · By Heather Hansen
Heather shares her "not this" moments in life, and motivates everyone to try new things because "not this" simply means that you have tried.
It is so important that you realize when you try something new and it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t mean you have failed. It means that you have just found another “Not this” job or situation. Not this means that you have tried something and it isn’t the perfect fit for you. Or, if it’s something that you have been doing for a long time it may not be what you want to do anymore.
Listen as I talk about the many “not this” things that I have done throughout my life. It has taught me to not be afraid of trying something new, because each thing that I tried that didn’t work out lead me closer to what I currently love to do, which is keynote speaking and coaching people on how to advocate for themselves. Don’t be afraid to try something new. You might find what your “This” is, and you will finally find what makes you happy and fulfilled.
Episode Mentioned
Heather Hansen interviews B J Fogg
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